Monday, February 7, 2011


Hi Mom
That's great tell Krissy my email or something or get his and I'll shoot him a quick email. Hope everyone gets all the way better soon. I'll talk to my President this week and I'll write you next week to see what he said. I say he's going spanish speaking but we'll see that'd be nice if the family could converse completely in espaƱol. Tell Bro Mowers hi for me and that's great news about the bead parties and weddings I hope that all goes well for you. Well my President frowns upon it he really doesn't like it too much but I'd like to come back after and show you a few of the people here so I don't know whatever you feel like and I'll make plans for it. As for the couple that needs to get married the judge is really being a pain about returning us the money and paper work so keep that in your prayers these two have been waiting patiently since november so we'll see what happens. My comp's name is Elder Guerrero from Tijuana and he's the DL I just needed to fix things that I wasn't doing well or not doing at all so I talked to President and he gave me a time off from the DL duties. I just didn't feel like I could be a good leader and tell them to do things I wasn't putting into practice myself so I asked him some time off to get back straight again and actually it's going really well. Anyways enough about that President just tells me not to look back and if I give it 100% the Lord will prepare me to be leader again. Well I almost forgot about Angela tell her happy birthday and that I love her hope that she has a great birthday. Ok Mom well that is about it I really didn't have much else happen this week just working hard to get people ready for baptism. I love you Mom and hope that everything goes well this week.
Love Elder Davis

Hey Dad

Dallin can't go for very long without hurting himself can he. He's just a mess I remeber when we were little and we were playing tag or something like that and he hit his face in the corner of a door and his eye swoll up like a ballon. Hope that he isn't a walking accident in his mission that'll be a real treat for his mission pres. Oh Mom she's just too focused somtimes on things I bet she'd walk around all day in PJ's if she had to get something done. Wow that really sucks about the flu I'm surprised that I didn't catch it and it should start to rain soon so we'll see if we luck out this year. 2 years ago they sent people home if they caught and couldn't come back without medical clearance just hope it don't get to that degree. Anyways Pday almost over and I gotta go work nothing new this week. Love you and hope everything goes well this week.

Love Elder Davis

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