Thursday, October 22, 2009

Week Three

Finally some substance from Elder Davis. I need to start teaching the rest of my boys how to type, having to type a two page letter... can you say carpal tunnel, but I'm not complaining.

Hi mom,

Sorry I didn’t get around to the letter sooner. I miss you, but I’m fine here it’s starting to get better. During the week we do a lot of studying and reading. I fall asleep a lot, but I’m trying not to I want to b e a good missionary and son so I’m trying my best to make you proud. I’m so happy that you’re getting a lot more business, now I know that Heavenly Father wants me to be here doing his work. Right now I’m back at my apartment with my companion he’s not feeling well so we’re missing our meetings. I haven’t really had any other time for anything I’ve been so busy, so I guess in a way this is a blessing.

Well, I guess I’ll give you a little bit of my schedule so you can have something to put on your blog because I can only peck at best on the keyboard. We wake up at 6:30 every morning; I wake up at 5:30 to go to the bathroom because the food here sucks eww! We either have MDT, service, or gym right after we wake up so there’s always something to be awake for. MDT is Missionary Directed Time or basically study time. My companion likes to waste it most of the time so I have more personal study more than anything. We’re supposed to have everyday at least one hour personal, one hour companion, and one hour language studies, but my comp likes to do his own thing and hasn’t gotten into his head he’s stuck with me so he lays a lot of the time when we have teaching appointments, but I’m being patient with him and trying to be a good example so we’ll see what happens.

We have service once a week, it’s usually cleaning the apartment building its right after we wake up so it’s a good wake up activity so we all usually are falling asleep again by the middle of class again. We have 5 gym periods a week the only days we don’t are Sundays and P-days. We usually work up a good sweat at gym and we only get 1 laundry period a week so our room smells pretty ripe the day before P-day. My roommates are my comp and another companionship Elder Phillips and Elder Taufa. I went to Franklin with Elder Taufa so it was weird seeing him in the same room as us. He was in the 67th ward in our stake too so it was even weirder. My district is as follows: Elders Degearge, Taylor, and Cordon they’re going to Mexico City with me. Elders Checketts, Taufa and Phillips are going to Veracruz. You should write a letter and tell them what to expect there. Elders Kleven, French, Lee, Wood and Cridle baugh are going to Lima, Peru; 4 to the North Mission and one to the Central Mission (Kleven). The Peruvian Elders leave on Wednesday so our district will be smaller by 5. They are going to the MTC down in Peru and for some of their training they actually have to go out and proselyte while they’re still learning the language HA! It’s going to be sad when they leave we’ve gotten so close in these short weeks, but that’s life.

My teachers are Hermano Memmott and Hermano Oswald they’re spiritual giants and they teach with such conviction even without the missionary mantle, I can’t imagine how they were on their mission. Hemano Memmott is very calm and is a very lovable teacher; he just got off his mission in June. Hermano Oswald knows the scriptures and gospel doctrines like the back of his hand and teaches with a lot of power. They both are excellent language teachers too. My branch President is President Walker and his counselors are Bro. Johnson and Bro. Warren. President Walker is a little on the strict side, but he is very wise although he can’t speak Spanish so that’s a drawback. Bro. Warren is like and old cowboy and he is real laid back. Bro. Johnson served in Peru so he speaks Spanish and is very wise through his years of experience. Sister Johnson is also very sweet, she reminds me of Grandma.

Every Sunday 2 people from our zone have to give a talk in Spanish, but the catch is you don’t know who they are until sacrament meeting so they give you a topic that week and you have to write a talk every week just in case. I haven’t gotten called on and I have my fingers crossed, I don’t like public speaking as you already know. On Tuesday and Sunday night there are devotionals usually there is some sort of general authority there. The night before I got here I heard that Elder Holland was here giving a talk AW! That would’ve been so cool I’m mad I missed it. Every Thursday we have a large group meeting on how to become more effective missionaries, they’re pretty helpful and insightful. So that’s just a little bit of what goes on here, if I sat here and wrote all about it there’d be a whole book just on the MTC. I’ll write you next week, tell everybody I love them and I appreciate everything they’ve done for me. You’re all in my prayers at night and I can’t wait to hear from you.

Elder Davis


  1. That's funny that he says he doesn't like public speaking, because he is a really good speaker!

  2. that was such a sweet letter.
    i knew he'd think of something to write about.
    {hey, molly . . . when you're blogging from emails, you can just copy and paste. but, then, you still always have to fix the punctuation, capitalization, etc. but at least you don't have to completely retype the whole thing. it doesn't work that way, though, from a handwritten letter!}
